
Learn about Apache Spark and Hadoop on AWS

Join us for a free webinar on Apache Spark and Hadoop on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and learn about jumpstarting your analytics program.The webinar will feature two senior consultants

Cloud Advisory Services by stackArmor

According to research from Gartner, over 50 percent of cloud migrations exceed budget, do not meet migration timelines and/or result in unexpected

DevOps with Terraform on AWS GovCloud

We are an AWS Advanced Partner with a Public Sector and AWS GovCloud competencies and support rapid deployments of secure and compliant environments on the AWS GovCloud Region.

AWS New Cloud Services – Web Events Planner for 2017

AWS announced a large set of new services and features covering DevOps, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Systems Management and Operations Support Services. The team at stackArmor is available to support your efforts in learning more

Is SaaS Dead?

The emergence of hyper-scale Infrastructure as-a-Service (IaaS) platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) is challenging the traditional Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) value proposition. SaaS CEOs, investors and SaaS buyers must carefully evaluate