Digital Services with DevOps, DataOps, Big Data and Containers

Enterprises are looking for scalable and secure solutions to develop and deliver digital services at a faster pace using DevOps, DataOps, Big Data and Containers technologies hosted on cloud computing platforms. stackArmor’s platform and automation experts have developed and released a Digital Services Platform (DSP) blueprint that allows application owners to rapidly deploy and provision enterprise workloads using a self-service portal using a highly intuitive and easy to use wizard called StackBuilderTM. The platform natively supports DevOps and Container Management that offers unprecedented flexibility in using Docker, native Linux C-groups or Open Container formats. stackArmor Digital Services Platform supports both Docker management or Kubernetes for container orchestration allowing maximum flexibility. The diagram below provides a logical view of the stackArmor Digital Services Platform (DSP).

stackarmor Digital Services Platform

The stackArmor Digital Services Platform (DSP) is a fully integrated stack and includes stackArmor StackbuilderTM.  stackArmor StackbuilderTM is a Cloud Deployment Broker (CDB) that rapidly provisions and deploys selected applications in a cloud computing environment such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). The StackbuilderTM   Cloud Deployment Broker (CDB) offers users a simple and highly intuitive graphical way to select and customize their requirement in highly non-technical terms and get a complete cost estimate for the full-stack including support. Under the hood, The StackbuilderTM   Cloud Deployment Broker (CDB) integrates with a variety of provisioning and orchestration technologies such as AWS CloudFormation, Ansible, Chef or Azure Resource Manager (ARM) amongst others.

ContainerOps At Scale

The applications and workloads can be deployed in containers managed by Mesosphere DCOS (Data Center Operating System). Mesosphere DCOS is based on Apache Mesos and offers a fully integrated container, devops and big data management platform at scale. The stackArmor Digital Services Platform based on Mesosphere DCOS allows organizations to choose if they want to use Docker containers or native Linux C-groups, also they can choose container management technologies such as Kubernetes or Docker depending on their needs.

Efficient Node Management and Integrated Big Data Clusters

In traditional systems, running multiple types of workloads in the same hosting environment would require the operations team to dedicate clusters of instances to each workload. So, for example, if you wanted to run Docker Swarm and Spark you would need to create a cluster of machines dedicated to Docker Swarm and another cluster of machines dedicated to Spark. This creates instance sprawl and silos where each type of workload requires separate cluster management and cannot easily share data and resources. Apache Mesos and the Mesosphere DCOS are uniquely capable of running Docker Swarm workloads on the same cluster as other workloads, including Big Data workloads like Spark, Storm, Kafka and Hadoop. This drives up resource utilization while reducing cost and complexity. The stackArmor Digital Services Platform (DSP) utilizes Mesosphere DCOS and allows organizations to rapidly experience the efficiencies of large-scale cluster management.

Ready to get started?

Give us a call at (888) 964 1644 or send us an email at [email protected] to see how you can quickly deliver digital services to your users.



Want to evaluate Mesosphere DCOS and jumpstart your DevOps or Big Data project? Go to StackbuilderTM  and select Data Analytics and answer some simple questions and select the Mesosphere DCOS stack and submit your provisioning request. Begin by going to