Application Performance Monitoring, Logging and Systems Monitoring continue to be critical for secure and reliable platform operations. A key decision is whether to buy or build such a service – there are any number of commercial services that cover a wide spectrum and an equal number of mature open source “do-it-yourself” options such as Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana amongst others. Major platform and service providers such Netflix (SURO), LinkedIn (NAARAD), and Google (DAPPER) have developed their own logging, monitoring and service reliability support systems. There is a lot of innovation in this space both in the open source and commercial arena. Here is an interesting article about Cloudant, which is a database as a service provider, that decided to build their own solution using open source components including –
Making FedRAMP ATOs Great with OSCAL and Components
OMB Memo M-24-15 published on July 24, 2024 directed GSA and the FedRAMP PMO to streamline the FedRAMP ATO process using NIST OSCAL. By late