New Amazon Web Services (AWS) India Region goes live

AWS announced the availability of the Mumbai Region for Indian customers to deliver cutting cloud-based enterprise services. The new Mumbai region has two Availability Zones for architecting fault-tolerant and high-availability solutions. Most of the major and popular AWS EC2 services are available immediately including C4,M4, T2, D2, I2, and R3 instances and related services including Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, Auto Scaling, and  Elastic Load Balancing. The following enterprise services are part of this initial release:

The screenshot below shows the services available within the AWS Mumbai Region.

AWS Console for India Region

Initial pricing has also been released. The pricing model is very similar to other regions and includes various flavors of Linux and Windows operating system options.

AWS Mumbai Region pricing

Clearly, the AWS Mumbai Region is exciting news for countless startups, enterprises and customers looking for secure and scalable enterprise computing services. If you are interested in hosting in the AWS Mumbai Region please send us an email at solutions @ to learn more about your hosting options.